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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
Read More ȃtiquette : permanent residents

Passage de la résidence temporaire à la résidence permanente : Les chiffres du Canada ont quadruplé
Étudier ou travailler au Canada avant de demander la résidence permanente s’est avéré être un atout encore plus important pour ceux qui espèrent immigrer ici

Permanent Residents, International Students Exempt From Canada’s 2-Year Foreign Buyer Ban
Permanent resident and international students will reportedly still be able to purchase homes in Canada despite Ottawa’s planned two-year ban on home-buying by foreign nationals.

Newfoundland and Labrador Makes It Easier For Foreign Nationals To Sit On Corporate Boards
Temporary residents in Canada will be able to more easily set up corporations and sit on corporate boards in Newfoundland and Labrador starting this Friday

Unvaccinated New Permanent Residents, Agriculture Workers Exempt From Canada Travel Restrictions
New Canada permanent residents, refugees, temporary foreign workers in agriculture or food-processing, asylum claimants, and some minors are exempt as Canada demands COVID-19 vaccine passports

Canada’s 15,000 New Immigrants In October Less Than Half 2019 Figure
Canada saw just over 15,000 new immigrants arrive in October, keeping pace with the month before, but still well down on 2019 levels, the latest

Canada Resumes Citizenship Knowledge Tests With New Online Platform
Canada has announced the resumption of citizenship tests online, eight months after they were suspended due to the coronavirus crisis. A new online platform was

Coronavirus Restrictions Mean Canada Immigration Limited to 15,000 in September
Canada Immigration numbers remained low in September, as travel restrictions in place due to the coronavirus pandemic continued to dramatically impact permanent resident arrivals. The

When Will Canadian Citizenship Knowledge Tests Resume?
Canadian citizenship applicants are calling for the resumption of knowledge tests placed on hold since March because of the coronavirus pandemic. Many permanent residents applying

Canada Immigration Numbers Dropped Again in August, New Figures Show
Canada immigration numbers dropped again in August, as the recovery seen in the aftermath of the first wave of coronavirus stuttered for a second consecutive