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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
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Canada’s Immigration Strategy Boosts Education Levels Among Newcomers
Immigration programs that seek to attract highly skilled and highly educated foreign nationals to Canada have been so successful that racialized women now hold more

Immigrant Women In Canada Less Likely To Divorce, Says Report
Canadian-born women are almost twice as likely to divorce their husbands or common-law partners as are immigrant women, reveals Statistics Canada. In their report, The

International Women’s Day in Canada: Celebrating Contribution Of Immigrant Women
Mona Shahwan El-Tahan first arrived in Newfoundland in 1975 as a young engineering graduate from Cairo University ready to study and get her master’s degree at Memorial

Canada Immigrants Increasingly Likely To Land Jobs And Get Better Pay
Immigrants are increasingly likely to land jobs and better pay than they did in the past but still lag behind the rest of the Canadian

Ontario, BC and Alberta Have Best Records For Immigrant Retention
Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta did the best job of any of the provinces of hanging onto their immigrants who arrived in Canada from 2012

Canada Is Becoming A Nation Of Immigrants, Says Think-Tank
Canada is quickly becoming a nation of immigrants as record-breaking immigration fuels the bulk of the country’s population growth, concludes the chief executive officer of

Unemployment Nudges Up Again As Canadian Population Growth Outstrips Increase In Jobs
Canada’s unemployment rate nudged up again to hit 5.8 per cent in November even though 25,000 more people landed jobs as Canadian population growth continued

Canada Immigrants Missing Out On Benefits By Not Filing Income Tax Returns In First Year
Those who immigrate to Canada often miss out on benefits they could get from the government because they fail to file their income tax returns

Study Reveals The Top 10 Most Diverse Cities In Canada As Immigration Alters Demographics
Kitchener tops the list of the Top 10 Most Diverse Cities in Canada as reported in a study by Preply, a United States-based, e-learning company