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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
Read More ȃtiquette : permanent residents

Canada’s July Immigration Numbers Drop 30% to 13,645
Canada immigration numbers dropped off in July, halting the recovery seen since the start of the coronavirus crisis. The latest federal government figures show 13,645

Candidates Wait for Canada’s Federal Government to Abolish Citizenship Fee
Canadian permanent residents who qualify to become citizens are playing a waiting game over the federal government’s promise to abolish the citizenship fee. Prime Minister

Lebanon Explosions: Special Canada Immigration Measures Introduced
Special Canada immigration measures are being introduced to help Lebanese citizens and Canadians impacted by the two explosions that rocked Beirut and left hundreds of

Canada’s Immigration Recovery Continues With More Than 19,000 Newcomers in June
Canada’s monthly immigration levels continued to recover in June, with more than 19,000 new permanent resident arrivals welcomed, according to the latest federal government figures.

Recovery Begins: Canada Immigration Increases to 11,000 in May
Canada welcomed nearly 11,000 new permanent residents in May, the first sign of recovery since coronavirus restrictions severely limited arrivals. Despite international travel restrictions and

Canada Immigration Drops 78% as April Sees Just 4,140 New Permanent Residents
The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on Canada immigration was fully felt in April, as new permanent resident admissions plummeted to 4,140. The figure represents a

Coronavirus: TFWs, Certain International Students And Approved PRs Can Now Travel To Canada
2020-03-28 – Canada says exemptions to coronavirus travel restrictions are now in place for temporary foreign workers, certain international students and approved permanent residents. The

Coronavirus: Canada Says TFWs, International Students, Approved Permanent Residents Can Travel
2020-03-23 – Canada says temporary foreign workers, international students and approved permanent residents who meet certain requirements will be exempt from air travel restrictions aimed

Nouveaux immigrants au Canada: vérifiez votre droit à l’assurance-maladie avant votre arrivée
Le 2 décembre 2018 – Il est conseillé aux nouveaux immigrants au Canada de s’informer avant leur arrivée sur la couverture de l’assurance de santé