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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
Read More ȃtiquette : Ontario

Nearly 500 Start-Up Visa Candidates Get Permanent Residence In January
The rapidly-growing popularity of Canada’s Start-Up Visa (SUV) entrepreneur immigration program saw it expand by 58.1 per cent in January over the previous month as 490

Ontario, BC and Alberta Have Best Records For Immigrant Retention
Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta did the best job of any of the provinces of hanging onto their immigrants who arrived in Canada from 2012

Start-Up Visa Immigration Set To More Than Double In 2023
Immigrant entrepreneurship through the Start-Up Visa (SUV) program bounced back in October, putting Canada on track to welcome 1,200 new permanent residents through that program by the

Ontario Wants To Ban Canadian Work Experience Requirement From Job Ads And Applications
Are you a candidate with skills and qualifications in one of Canada’s 82 jobs for occupation-specific Express Entry draws? We want to help you move to Canada. Please

Start-Up Visa Immigration Poised To Close Year Up Nearly 80%
Immigrant entrepreneurs became new permanent residents of Canada through the Start-Up Visa in lower numbers in September than the previous month but its popularity is

Downturn In Temporary Residents To Canada Could Hurt The Country’s Economy
Canada needs to brace itself for the economic fallout of a possible drop in the number of temporary residents, including temporary foreign workers and international

Immigration Dips In July But Still On Track To Set New Annual Record
Immigrants arrived in Canada in fewer numbers in July as the country saw its second consecutive drop in monthly immigration but remains poised to close

The Top 8 Most In-Demand Canada Jobs for Skilled Foreign Workers in 2023
Le plan des niveaux d’immigration d’Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) pour 2023-2025 a fixé un objectif de 465 000 nouveaux résidents permanents pour 2023,

Start-Up Visa attracted 6.3 per cent more immigrant entrepreneurs in first half of this year compared to last year
The Start-Up Visa (SUV) immigration program closed the first six months of the year with the number of new permanent residents coming to Canada as entrepreneurs under