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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
Read More ȃtiquette : Labour Market Impact Assessment

Marc Miller Says that the Canada Closed Work Permit is Set for Reform
After a United Nations special rapporteur’s claim about some of Canada’s temporary workers being “vulnerable to contemporary forms of slavery,” Immigration Minister Marc Miller is

Employing a Truck Driver from Overseas in Canada: A Step-by-Step Guide
We are recruiting long haul (HGV) drivers for a major employer in Canada. If you have a valid Class 1 license equivalent in your country,

Le Québec ajoute 65 professions au processus d’EIMT facilité pour les employeurs qui embauchent des travailleurs temporaires
Le Québec a facilité l’embauche de travailleurs étrangers temporaires pour les postes vacants dans la province francophone en élargissant la liste des emplois admissibles au

Le Canada aide les employeurs à faire face à une série de changements dans le programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires
Les candidats du volet salaires élevés et du volet talents mondiaux du programme canadien de travailleurs étrangers temporaires (PTET) peuvent désormais travailler pendant trois ans

Quebec Expands List Of Occupations Qualifying For Facilitated LMIA Process
Quebec greatly expanded on Friday its list of jobs in high demand for which employers do not need to demonstrate they have tried to hire

Quebec Employers Allowed to Change Work Permit Candidate on Positive LMIA
Quebec employers can now change the candidate on a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) without having to reapply. Effective July 24, 2020, employers hiring

CUSMA Replaces NAFTA, But Free Movement of Business People Remains Unchanged
Rules on temporary entry for business people remained unchanged as the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) went into force on Wednesday, July 1, replacing the previous

Coronavirus: Priority Canada Work Permits For These Agriculture Occupations
2020-04-07 – Canada is prioritizing Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) in important occupations in agriculture and agri-food to help farms and other businesses during the