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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
Read More ȃtiquette : Francois Legault

Quebec Sees Number Of Temporary Residents Skyrocket To Hit A Record Of 528,000
The francophone province of Quebec hit a new record for temporary residents in the fourth quarter of this year with the number of these residents

Quebec Keeps Immigration Levels At 50,000, Plans French Test For Temporary Workers
Quebec will keep its immigration levels at 50,000 for 2024 and 2025, despite calls from business in the province for major increases. In an immigration

Le Québec devrait augmenter l’immigration à 60,000 immigrants par année, suggère la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain
La Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain estime – comme elle le fait depuis 2016 – que le Québec devrait hausser son seuil d’immigration à

Quebec Premier Doubles Down On Making All Economic Immigration Francophone By 2026
Quebec Premier François Legault has taken another step towards making good on his plan to limit economic immigration to the francophone province to only those foreign nationals

Quebec Premier Wants All Temporary Foreign Workers To The Province To Speak French
Quebec Premier François Legault is doubling down on his pledge to ensure the French language’s survival is not put in danger by a flood of English-speaking

Le Québec est bien en mesure d’accueillir plus de 100 000 immigrants par année, selon Trudeau
Le Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau a déclaré que le Québec est en mesure d’accueillir 112 000 immigrants par an, réfutant ainsi les affirmations du

Québec maintient la ligne en matière d’immigration dans le dernier plan anti-entreprises de la CAQ
Le premier plan des niveaux d’immigration de la ministre de l’Immigration du Québec, Christine Fréchette, dévoilé jeudi, a livré exactement ce à quoi tout le

Quebec Premier Wants All Immigrants To The Province To Be Francophone By 2026
Quebec Premier François Legault has launched his second mandate by saying he wants all immigrants coming to the francophone province under economic immigration programs to

Francophone Immigration Centre Opens In New Brunswick
The Centre for Innovation in Francophone Immigration is now open in Dieppe in New Brunswick, Canada’s only officially-bilingual province, as part of Ottawa’s bid to