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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
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Immigrants Crucial to Canada’s Labour Market Growth Says Conference Board
Immigrants to Canada need to be ensured they will be able to land jobs commensurate with their education and experience in the coming decades since

How To Immigrate To Canada As A Family Doctor
Canada is facing an additional shortfall of 19,500 family doctors over the coming nine years, a situation that will create plenty of opportunity for qualified

How To Immigrate To Canada As A Natural Healing Practitioner
Natural healing practitioners are going to see such growth in demand for Canada jobs over the next nine years that the country will need to

How To Immigrate To Canada As A Web Developer Or Programmer
The rush by companies to develop online retail operations during the COVID-9 pandemic and keep sales up as public health restrictions led to closures and

Employers In Newfoundland And Labrador Can Recruit Foreign Workers Via Virtual Fairs
Newfoundland and Labrador is hosting a series of virtual Canada jobs fairs to help employers recruit more foreign workers to resolve ongoing labour shortages. “Newfoundland

How To Immigrate To Canada As A Land Surveyor
The demand for land surveyors is expected to outstrip the capacity of Canadian schools to train up a new generation of workers to do the

Canada Employment Increased In August, but Not As Fast As Its Population
The number of people with Canada jobs rose by 40,000 in August, but the employment rate fell as the country’s population grew even faster. More

How To Immigrate To Canada As A Veterinarian
A shortage of veterinarians in Canada is only going to get worse over the coming nine years as too few students graduate with degrees in

The Top 8 Most In-Demand Canada Jobs for Skilled Foreign Workers in 2023
Le plan des niveaux d’immigration d’Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) pour 2023-2025 a fixé un objectif de 465 000 nouveaux résidents permanents pour 2023,