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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
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Calls For Balanced Immigration Policy Despite Canada’s Population Growth
While immigration has been the source of much-needed fuel for various sectors across the Canadian economy, there has been an increase in the frequency of

Study Reveals that Increasing Numbers of Immigrants Are Leaving Canada for Other Countries
A recent study on immigrant retention trends in Canada reveals that onward immigration (immigrants leaving Canada) has been persistent for several decades, with a “severe

Skilled immigrants are needed in Canada to fill jobs in the building trades, says housing minister
Housing and Diversity and Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen says Canada needs to bring in more foreign nationals to work in the building trades to fill

L’arriéré des demandes d’immigration au Canada atteint 2,5 millions au début du mois d’octobre
La campagne d’embauche du ministre de l’Immigration Sean Fraser à Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) fait à peine une brèche dans l’inventaire des demandes

Le Québec pourrait augmenter l’immigration à plus de 100 000, mais il n’en veut que 50 000
La ministre de l’Immigration au Québec, Christine Fréchette, affirme que la province n’augmentera pas l’immigration après la publication du dernier plan du Canada qui fixe

Canadians Overwhelmingly Support Record-Breaking Immigration To The Country, Reveals Poll
Canadians are now more supportive of record-breaking immigration and the country’s role in welcoming refugees from throughout the world than they have been in decades

Immigration To Canada Slowed In August, Reveals IRCC Data
Immigration to Canada slowed in August but the country is still on track to exceed its ambitious target for the year, new data reveals. By

Canada’s Current Rate Of Immigration Could See It Land More Than 470,000 Immigrants In 2022
Canada’s rate of immigration is skyrocketing this year even beyond the dreams of the Century Initiative, a non-profit organization which wants the country to more

Le nombre de nouveaux immigrants a plus que doublé grâce au Programme des parents et grands-parents du Canada
Les nouveaux immigrants au Canada par le biais du Programme des parents et grands-parents ont plus que doublé au premier trimestre 2022 par rapport à