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Le Québec émet 1 650 invitations d’immigration au Canada lors d’un nouveau tirage de Déclaration d’intérêt
Read More ȃtiquette : Nova Scotia Nominee Program

Nova Scotia Re-Launches Entrepreneur Canada Immigration Streams
The International Graduate Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur streams of the Nova Scotia Nominee Program are being re-launched as permanent programs by provincial government. For updating these

Comment immigrer dans la province canadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse
Stimulant une croissance démographique record et aidant à stimuler les ventes au détail en Nouvelle-Écosse, l’immigration dans la province du Canada atlantique est maintenant considérée

La Nouvelle-Écosse cible les candidats francophones à l’immigration canadienne dans le cadre d’un nouveau tirage au PNP
Immigration en Nouvelle-Écosse a ciblé les candidats francophones dans un nouveau tirage dans le cadre du volet Priorités du marché du travail lié à l’Entrée

Nova Scotia Gets IRCC Green Light To Bring In 41% More Immigrants
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is boosting by 40.8 per cent the number of immigrants Nova Scotia will be allowed to welcome to its

Nova Scotia Targets Nurses For Canada Immigration In New PNP Draw
Nova Scotia immigration has conducted a new draw aimed at nurses through the province’s Express Entry-linked Labour Market Priorities stream. The February 8 draw saw

Immigration to Nova Scotia Reached Record Levels – Again – In 2021
Immigration to Nova Scotia hit a record level yet again last year as the Atlantic Canadian province enticed newcomers with skills in healthcare, transportation, education,

Nova Scotia Immigration Issues 22 Invitations In Latest Entrepreneur Draw
Nova Scotia immigration has release details of its latest business immigration draw, issuing 22 invitations through two streams of the Nova Scotia Nominee Program. The

Nova Scotia Entrepreneur Draw: 36 Invitations Issued Through 2 Streams
Nova Scotia immigration has conducted two new business immigration draws, targeting Entrepreneur Stream and International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream candidates. The draws, which took place on

Nova Scotia Immigration Targets Nurses In New Labour Market Priorities Draw
Nova Scotia immigration has conducted a new draw aimed at nurses through the province’s Express Entry-linked Labour Market Priorities stream. The May 22 draw saw