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Alberta PNP Draw: Province Targets Healthcare Workers With 89 Canada Immigration Invitations
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Canada Invests $85,000 Into Think-Tank To Study Francophone Immigration
Ottawa is spending $85,000 to help the Université de l’Ontario français launch its Observatoire en immigration francophone au Canada, a think tank to study francophone

Foreign Nationals Working In Canada In Record Numbers, IRCC Data Reveals
The number of foreign nationals in Canada as temporary workers spiked last year and hit a new record level, the latest data from Immigration, Refugees

How Americans And Mexicans Can Work In Canada Under CUSMA
Canada is in talks to develop new opportunities for jobs and trade with its economic partners through Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA). That trade agreement, which

Temporary To Permanent Residence Transition: Canada’s Numbers Quadruple
Studying or working in Canada prior to applying for permanent residence proved to be an even greater asset for those hoping to immigrate here last

How To Avoid Processing Delays Through Canada’s Start-Up Visa
Canada’s Start-Up Visa has not escaped the problems with processing times currently being tackled by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), but there are ways

Quebec To Offer Open Work Permits To Immigration Candidates With Quebec Selection Certificates
Skilled workers in foreign countries who already have Quebec Selection Certificates from Quebec will be able to get open work permits starting in a few

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Candidates: Submit Work Permit Applications Online
Candidates for the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) can submit Work Permit applications online as of Monday, August 17, as part of the federal government’s coronavirus

CUSMA Replaces NAFTA, But Free Movement of Business People Remains Unchanged
Rules on temporary entry for business people remained unchanged as the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) went into force on Wednesday, July 1, replacing the previous

Canadian Employers Must Pay Mandatory 14-day Quarantine When Hiring Temporary Foreign Workers
Canada’s federal government has introduced new rules for employers under the International Mobility Program in light of restrictions in place due to coronavirus pandemic. The