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Alberta PNP Draw: Province Targets Healthcare Workers With 89 Canada Immigration Invitations
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Canada’s Immigration Strategy Boosts Education Levels Among Newcomers
Immigration programs that seek to attract highly skilled and highly educated foreign nationals to Canada have been so successful that racialized women now hold more

New Canada Initiatives to Support Francophone Immigration Outside Quebec
A latest news release coming from Caraquet, New Brunswick, details that a series of initiatives to support Francophone immigration outside Quebec are being put into

Popularity for the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Soars Before Expiration
The federal government’s Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) has witnessed a sharp uptick in application numbers ahead of its expiry in February 2024. The

Canada’s Immigration Ministers Met In Toronto With Aim Of Improving System
Federal, provincial and territorial immigration ministers met in Toronto to talk about the future of immigration in Canada, including how it can help boost the

Opinion Piece Argues That the Liberal Party Has “Broken Canada’s Immigration System”
The Globe and Mail columnist Tony Keller’s recent opinion piece holds the view that “the Liberals have broken Canada’s immigration system,” one which he claims

Canada’s Prairie Provinces Benefit Most By Retaining Immigrants, Report Says
Canada’s Prairie provinces got the biggest bang for their immigration buck in recent years and are poised to see GDP boosts of more than half

Canada Jobs: Wages And Number Of People Working Climbed In November, Latest Data Reveals
Wages and the number of people landing paying Canada jobs both climbed in November last year, the latest data from Statistics Canada reveals. In its

Canada Labour Market Tightening As Employers Go On Hiring Blitz
The labour market in Canada is still getting tighter as more of those workers who are looking for jobs land them, the latest data from

PPC Leader Wants To Put Brakes On Ever-Increasing Immigration To Canada
People’s Party of Canada (PPC) Leader Maxime Bernier says Ottawa’s ambitious immigration targets for the next few years, culminating in 500,000 new permanent residents in