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Tag: South Korea

South Korea Joins List Of Countries Participating In International Experience Canada
International Experience Canada (IEC) is being expanded again with Canada inking a deal with South Korea to allow their young people to live and work in both countries.
Colin R. Singer
June 9, 2023

Twitter Rife With Talk Of Immigration To Canada In Wake Of South Korean Election
South Koreans mused on Twitter about immigrating to Canada in the wake of the election of the conservative People Party Power leader Yoon Suk-yeol. He
Colin R. Singer
March 14, 2022

Wages for Immigrants to Canada Rising, But Still Below Those of Canadians
Immigrants coming to Canada are enjoying higher incomes but are still earning less overall than Canadians, reveals a Statistics Canada report released this week. “The
Colin Singer
September 17, 2021

How to Apply for Canadian Permanent Residence from South Korea
Ousted from its spot as one of the top 10 most important sources of new Canadian permanent residents, South Korea slipped to number 12 during
Colin R. Singer
May 10, 2021