Alberta will continue to face labour challenges in the coming year, according to a new report.
The report, compiled and released by Alberta firm Collective Technical Recruitment, predicts that employers in the province will continue to have trouble finding the skilled workers they need, particularly in the oil and gas sector.
The report identifies several key occupations that are expected to see shortages in 2014. They include power engineers, which are the most in-demand occupation in the oilsands, and financial workers.
Alberta is still one of the top growing provinces in Canada, with one of the hottest job markets, despite the recent global recession. The enormous growth has also resulted in a construction worker shortage. With over 800 projects in the works for 2014, construction workers, managers and supervisors will be amongst the most-needed professionals in 2014, according to Collective Technical Recruitment.
Workers have been increasingly migrating to Alberta from both within and outside of Canada, yet employers are still having trouble finding all of the labour the need to keep up with demand.
Source: Huffpost Alberta