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Canada’s Immigration Ministers Met In Toronto With Aim Of Improving System
Federal, provincial and territorial immigration ministers met in Toronto to talk about the future of immigration in Canada, including how it can help boost the

Canada Invests Almost A Quarter Of New Settlement Funds In S.U.C.C.E.S.S
A British Columbia-based social service agency is getting almost $12 million from Canada to offer pre-arrival settlement services to future immigrants, temporary workers and international

Settlement Services For Young Immigrants Get Funding Boost In Quebec
Young immigrants in Quebec are going to benefit from an almost $5.3 million funding boost for settlement services, says the francophone province’s immigration minister. “Adolescence

Manitoba Invests Another $4m In Immigrant Settlement Services
Manitoba has doubled its investment in settlement services for Canada immigrants with an infusion of another $4 million to fund programs for newcomers. “Thousands of

Nova Scotia Given 15 Ways It Can Improve Its Provincial Immigration System
Nova Scotia is spending $6.4 million yearly on settlement services for immigrants without knowing whether that money is being properly spent to meet the needs of

Canada To Spend More Than $14M On Expanding Immigrant Settlement Services In Prairies
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is investing more than $14.3 million to provide more settlement services in the three Prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan

Newfoundland & Labrador Boosts Immigrant Settlement and Credential Recognition Services
The Atlantic Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador is upping its game and planning to offer more settlement services – including better recognition of foreign

Ottawa Pledges $35M To Expand Settlement Services To 41 Communities
Canada is investing $35 million into its settlement services to expand their reach to include 41 communities, says Immigration Minister Sean Fraser. “Newcomers and refugees