The authorities provide notice to the general public that the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has established the following Ministerial Instructions. In the opinion of the Minister, the new Ministerial Instructions will help support the attainment of the immigration goals established by the Government of Canada. This is in accordance with the provisions specified in subsection 87.3 (6) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).
The Overview
The authority for these Ministerial Instructions comes from the provisions contained in section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). This authority directs these Ministerial Instructions to officers and to the Minister’s delegates. Thereafter, these individuals are charged with handling and / or reviewing applications for permanent residence under the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital class.
It is worth highlighting that these Ministerial Instructions come into force on January 28, 2015. In addition, they apply to all applications that designated Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) offices receive on or after January 28, 2015.
Officers could come across situations where they find that the Ministerial Instructions do not specifically apply to specific categories. In this scenario, the officers would need to continue processing such applications in the usual manner. This is in accordance with the processing priorities established by the Department.
These intent of these Ministerial Instructions is to support a broader strategy for business immigration reform. To achieve this, these Ministerial Instructions aim to stimulate innovation and growth in the Canadian economy by providing at-risk capital from investors. The authorities will be able to invest this at-risk capital actively in Canadian start-ups with high growth potential. These Ministerial Instructions also aim to attract immigrant investors who will be well prepared for integrating into the Canadian business landscape and society.
It is worth highlighting that these Ministerial Instructions are consistent with various Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) objectives as specified in section three. In particular, the Ministerial Instructions and theImmigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) objectives that are consistent focus on:
Pursuing the maximum social, cultural and economic benefits of immigration
Enriching and strengthening the social and cultural fabric of Canadian society
Supporting the development of a strong and prosperous Canadian economy
Protecting public health and safety and,
Maintaining the security of Canadian society
These Ministerial Instructions are compliant with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Agreements. In addition, they respect all previously established accords and agreements as well. This includes the Canada – Quebec Accord, along with all the existing agreements with provinces and territories.
The Intake of Permanent Resident Applications Under the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Class