Exclusive Canadian Opportunities

Discover the Targeted Occupations for Express Entry to Canada

International Workers in Demand: Your Route to Canada with Immigration.ca

Are you an International Worker in one of the 82 targeted occupations looking for opportunities in Canada? Discover how Immigration.ca can help you navigate the immigration process and connect you with potential employers.

Getting Closer to Canada

Choose Your Targeted Industry and Start Today:

Exclusive Canadian Opportunities

Êtes-vous francophone?

Le gouvernement canadien souhaite promouvoir la langue francaise au Canada en invitant des immigrants francophone à travers le système d’Entrée expresse

Are you a Skilled Worker?

If you are a skilled worker outside the targeted industries above, Canada may have a program for you. Please fill in the form below to find out:

Why Hire International?

Explore the benefits of hiring international workers. From filling gaps in local talent, and growing your business discover how international workers can quickly drive your business forward.

Why Hire International?