Operational Bulletin 376 – January 19, 2012
The Procedures Applicable for Issuing Refunds for Applications Submitted Under the First Set of Ministerial Instructions (MI-1) to Applicants in the Global Case Management System (GCMS)
On occasions, officers might need to issue refunds of the cost recovery fee payment for Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications. This is applicable for Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications submitted under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (MI-1). Typically, officers would issue these refunds by using the Global Case Management System (GCMS).
Officers would need to follow the instructions contained in this Operational Bulletin (OB) when issuing these refunds. These instructions pertain to applicants who:
- Are not eligible for processing under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (MI-1) or,
- Have withdrawn their application before the authorities make an eligibility determination under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (MI-1)
Officers would need to follow these instructions with immediate effect.
The authorities have outlined the refund procedures in Appendix C of Operational Bulletin 120 (OB 120) dated June 15, 2009. This bulletin bears the title Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Applications – Procedures for Visa Offices.
The authorities would need to update the refund procedures specified in this bulletin. The amended procedures must contain the instructions for issuing refunds to Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications submitted under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (MI-1). Officers will typically create these cases in the Global Case Management System (GCMS).
The Instructions for Issuing Refunds to MI-1 Applicants in the Global Case Management System (GCMS)
Situations will arise where officers create MI-1 applications in the Global Case Management System (GCMS). In this scenario, officers would need to follow the steps given below, when they issue refunds of the cost recovery fee payment. Officers would need to note that the triggers remain the same as those specified in Appendix C of OB 120.
The Procedures Applicable for Cases Where the Centralised Intake Office (CIO) in Sydney Needs to Issue the Refund
- In the Global Case Management System (GCMS), the Centralised Intake Office (CIO) has set the MI field status as “Met” under the Eligibility – Eligibility Assessment
- This status remains locked and thus, officers would not be able to change this
- For issuing a refund, one of the following three scenarios must be met:
- The applicant must have submitted a request for withdrawing their application (prior to the authorities making a final eligibility determination) OR
- The visa office determines that the application is not eligible for processing and the applicant does not submit a complete application package within the mandated 120 days OR
- The visa office determines that the application is not eligible for processing based on its review of the applicant’s submission
In these scenarios, the processing office will follow the actions given in the table below.
Step |
Action |
1 |
The processing office would need to change or set the Selection status to “Cancelled” |
2 |
If the applicant is withdrawing the application, the processing office will: Generate a new “Ministerial Instructions” activity and change the status from “Not Started” to “Cancelled” in the Eligibility – Eligibility Assessment view Select “Withdrawn” from the Final Assessment drop-down menu. The system will create a “Withdrawal Letter” in the Correspondence – Outgoing view. |
3 |
If the applicant is not eligible for processing, the processing office will: Generate a new “Ministerial Instructions” activity and change the status from “Not Started” to “Not Met” or “Not Met – Docs not Submitted” in the Eligibility – Eligibility Assessment view The system will create a “MI – Not Eligible Letter” in the Correspondence – Outgoing view. This letter also goes by the name of “SW C50-Negative final determination of eligibility for processing- Ministerial Instructions”. |
4 |
Assign the Centralised Intake Office (CIO) as a Secondary Office (Office 6262). |
5 |
Navigate to the Application Fees View within the application. |
6 |
Thereafter, the processing officer would highlight the payment transaction entries that require refunding in the Fees applet. The officer can select more than transaction for refund, if applicable. Click the Refund button. Officers might want to refer to further details on this step. For this, they would need to refer to the Global Case Management System (GCMS) User Guide (Ctrl + H) – To Record a Fee Refund. In some situations, the officer might need to refund payments made in local currency. For dealing with this situation, the officer would need to go through the section titled “The Procedures Applicable for Cases Where the Mission Needs to Issue the Refund”. |
7 |
The system creates a refund record. It also populates the following fields:
In some cases, the Payment # field might have a value specified in the payment record. If this is the case, the Payment # field in the refund record will also hold the same value. The value in the Receipt # field does not carry forward into the refund record. |
8 |
The officer would need to click on the icon, query for or type in the appropriate “User Id” and click OK in the “Refund Authorised By” field. Thereafter, the officer would need to select “RPC” in the “Code” field. In some cases, the applicant could have made the payment in the local currency. In this situation, the mission would typically initiate the refund. Therefore, in this case, officers would need to select “RPA”. |
9 |
The officer would need to place certain notes in the system. The following are examples of suggested notes that officers could use or refer to.
Officers would need to note that the specimen notes illustrated above are only suggestions. Therefore, officers would need to reflect accurately the action taken on the file with their notes. They would need to do this for cases they take actions on. Ideally, the notes must indicate why the case warrants a refund. |
10 |
The officer would need to go to the Outgoing view tab in the Correspondence section. The system will typically create a “MI – Not Eligible” or “Withdrawal” letter (please refer to steps 2 or 3 given above). The officer would need to generate and print the letter for the client. On printing the letter, the system will update the Correspondence status to display “Sent”. Thereafter, the system will automatically change:
11 |
The officers would need to notify the Centralised Intake Office at Sydney (CIO-Sydney). They would need to send them an e-mail at CPC-Sydney-CIO@cic.gc.ca. They would need to request the Centralised Intake Office at Sydney (CIO-Sydney) to initiate a refund when the applicant made the payment in Canadian funds. |
The Procedures Applicable for Cases Where the Mission Needs to Issue the Refund
- The mission would need to issue the refund in cases where:
- The applicant is entitled to a refund, but the applicant made the original payment at the mission in local currency OR
- The applicant is unable to cash a cheque received from the Receiver General for Canada
- Typically, these applicants would be unable to obtain Canadian funds in the country where they resided
- As a result, they made the payment in local currency at the mission
The Instructions for the Centralised Intake Office in Sydney (CIO-Sydney)
The Centralised Intake Office at Sydney (CIO-Sydney) will take the following steps specified in the table below.
Step |
Action |
1 |
The Centralised Intake Office at Sydney (CIO-Sydney) would follow normal office refund procedures |
2 |
It would annotate the actions taken in the notes in the Global Case Management System (GCMS). |
Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)