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Canada Considers Visa Requirement For Mexicans
Mexicans coming into Canada could soon have to get visas or be subjected to other measures as part of Canada’s bid to prevent so many refugees
Colin R. Singer
January 24, 2024

United States Asks Canada To Slap Visa Requirements Back On Visiting Mexican Nationals
The American government wants Ottawa to re-impose visa requirements on Mexicans visiting Canada to help reduce the flow of illegal migration into the United States,
Colin R. Singer
May 20, 2023

How Americans And Mexicans Can Work In Canada Under CUSMA
Canada is in talks to develop new opportunities for jobs and trade with its economic partners through Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA). That trade agreement, which
Colin R. Singer
October 27, 2022

CUSMA Replaces NAFTA, But Free Movement of Business People Remains Unchanged
Rules on temporary entry for business people remained unchanged as the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) went into force on Wednesday, July 1, replacing the previous
Colin R. Singer
July 2, 2020