Ontario immigration has opened its Expression of Interest system for the popular Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate streams.
In an announcement on Monday August 9, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) said: “The expression of interest system will remain open throughout the year and you can register an expression of interest at any time.
“You must carefully review the relevant website pages to ensure that you meet all stream criteria before registering an expression of interest.”
Eligibility Requirements
Masters Graduates Stream
This stream offers an opportunity to obtain permanent residence to international students who obtained a masters degree in Ontario without requiring a job offer.
To be eligible to apply, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- Graduated from a Master’s degree program from an eligible institution in Ontario, that was at least one year full-time.
- Obtained minimum language CLB/NCLC level 7 or above in English or in French.
- Resided legally in Ontario for at least one year in the last two.
- Have sufficient settlement funds.
- Intend to live and work in Ontario.
- Must have legal status in Ontario or abroad.
- Applications from elsewhere in Canada will not be accepted.
- Application must be submitted within two years of completing the requirements to graduate from the master’s degree.
PhD Graduates Stream
This stream offers international students an opportunity to become a permanent resident for who holds a Ph.D. degree from Ontario without requiring a job offer.
To be eligible to apply, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- Graduated from a PhD degree program in an eligible institution in Ontario, and have completed at least two years full-time.
- Resided legally in Ontario for at least one year in the last two.
- Have sufficient settlement funds.
- Intend to live and work in Ontario.
- Application must be submitted within two years of completing the requirements to graduate from the Ph.D. degree.
Expression of Interest Open for Five Streams
Ontario Expression of Interest is now open for five of its most popular streams:
- Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker
- Employer Job Offer: International Student
- Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills
- Masters Graduate
- PhD Graduate
Before applying to these streams, candidates must submit a profile to the Expression of Interest system.
Each profile is scored based on factors including education, language ability, skill and work experience among others (see below).
Ontario then selects candidates who are issued invitations to submit applications to one of the above streams.
Profiles in the Expression of Interest system can be updated at any time. An EOI profile is valid for 12 months or until an ITA is received.
Invitations to apply are issued periodically by the OINP. Draws are conducted on a general basis, by inviting the overall highest scoring candidates, or on a targeted basis, by targeting candidates who meet specific labour market or human capital requirements.
Candidates who receive an ITA have 14 days to submit a complete application.
Ontario Expression of Interest: Scoring Factors
1) Job Offer: NOC Skill Level
(Not applied to Masters Graduate or PhD Graduate streams.)
- NOC Skill Level A: 10 points
- NOC Skill Level B: 8 points
- NOC Skill Level C: 0 points
- NOC Skill Level D: 0 points
2) Job Offer: NOC Type
(Not applied to Masters Graduate or PhD Graduate streams.)
- NOC Type 0, 1, 2, 3, 9: 10 points
- NOC Type 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: 5 points
3) Job Offer: Wage
(Not applied to Masters Graduate or PhD Graduate streams.)
- $40 per hour or higher: 10 points
- $20 to $39.99 per hour: 5 points
- Less than $20 per hour: 0 points
4) Canadian Work Experience: Length
- 12 months or more: 4 points
- Less than 12 months: 0 points
5) Canadian Work Experience: NOC Skill Level
- NOC Skill Level A: 3 points
- NOC Skill Level B: 0 points
- NOC Skill Level C: 0 points
- NOC Skill Level D: 0 points
6) Canadian Work Experience: Earnings History
- $40k or more earnings in a year: 3 points
- Less than $40k earnings in a year: 0 points
7) Highest Level of Education
(Only applied to International Student stream)
- PhD: 10 points
- Masters: 8 points
- Bachelors or equivalent: 6 points
- College diploma or trade certificate: 5 points
- Less than college or trade certificate: 0 points
8) Field of Study
(Not applied to Foreign Worker or In-Demand Skills streams)
- Engineering: 10 points
- Health care: 10 points
- Math and Computer Science: 9 points
- Business and Administration: 7 points
- Trades: 7 points
- Social, Legal, Education and Science: 6 points
- Arts and Humanities: 5 points
9) Canadian Education
(Not applied to Foreign Worker or In-Demand Skills streams.)
- More than one Canadian credential: 10 points
- One Canadian credential: 5 points
10) Language Ability (English or French)
(Not applied to Foreign Worker or In-Demand Skills streams.)
- CLB 9 or higher: 10 points
- CLB 8: 6 points
- CLB 7: 4 points
- CLB 6 or lower: 0 points
11) Knowledge of Official Languages
(Not applied to Foreign Worker or In-Demand Skills streams.)
- 2 Official Languages: 10 points
- 1 Official Language: 5 points
Regional Immigration: Location of Job Offer
(Not applied to Masters or PhD streams.)
- Outside GTA: 10 points
- Inside GTA: 6 points
Regional Immigration: Location of Study
(Not applied to Foreign Worker or In-Demand Skills streams)
- Outside GTA: 10 points
- Inside GTA: 6 points
Strategic Priorities
(To address immediate labour market needs)
- As determined by OINP: 10 points