The 2024 U.S. News ranking for “Best Countries” is out, and Canada is in fourth place, slipping from second place in 2023 and third place in 2022.
This ranking of countries is based on quality of life, agility, social purpose, friendliness, entrepreneurship, economic stability, and cultural influence. Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism and diversity is also highlighted in this ranking.
U.S. News determined the ranking through a survey of nearly 17,000 people worldwide and evaluated 89 countries. Canada consistently excels in agility, inclusivity, friendliness, and safety, contributing to its global solid standing year after year.
Canada’s high ranking explains why it is a destination of choice for immigrants who drive Canada’s economic and cultural success.
The country also ranks highly in social purpose, demonstrating its commitment to human rights, gender equality, and environmental goals. Canada’s embrace of multiculturalism makes it a leader in diversity and inclusivity on the world stage.
Quality of Life
Canada was ranked fifth in the quality-of-life sub-category behind Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, and Norway.
Beyond broad access to food, housing, quality education, health care, and employment, quality of life may include intangibles such as job security, political stability, individual freedom, and environmental quality. These countries are seen as treating their citizens well throughout all phases of life.
Canada’s universal healthcare provides access to medical services for all residents. It is often ranked highly for healthcare quality and accessibility. It is considered one of the safest countries, with low crime rates and vigorous law enforcement.
The country has a recognized education system, from primary schools to world-class universities, contributing to a highly educated workforce. Canada’s abundant natural resources and environmental quality play a significant role in its citizens’ well-being.
Canada ranked sixth in Entrepreneurship, behind Germany, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
For countries to spread prosperity to citizens, governments must find industries where they can compete globally in the digital age. These countries are seen as innovative, with educated and enterprising citizens.
Canada is an innovation hub in technology, biotechnology, and renewable energy. The country offers a supportive environment for startups and businesses, with strong financial systems and a well-regulated market economy.
Social Purpose
In the Social Purpose sub-category, Canada ranked third behind Denmark and Sweden. A country’s citizens can rally around certain causes they feel strongly about, such as human rights, the environment, and religious freedom.
Support for these causes can create a sense of cultural unity within countries and help their people identify as having a shared understanding of purpose. Canada is seen as progressive, inclusive, and committed to social justice.
Canada ranked second behind the U.S. in Agility, meaning it adapts efficiently to changing circumstances, such as implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.
The agility sub-ranking is based on an equally weighted average of scores from five countries. These scores reflect attributes related to a country’s ability to be agile: adaptable, dynamic, modern, progressive, and responsive.
Rights and multiculturalism
Canada is known for promoting human rights, equality, and social justice. It is a leader in gender equality, 2SLGBTQI+ rights, and multiculturalism. The country’s stable political environment makes it attractive for domestic and international immigrants and investments.
Canada is a multicultural society that welcomes immigrants from all over the world, creating a diversity that enriches its culture and helps it stand out globally. The country contributes significantly to the arts, film, and media and has a growing cultural footprint internationally.
Economic Stability
Canada has a high GDP per capita and a relatively low unemployment rate, contributing to economic stability and a high standard of living.
The country’s expansive land mass is rich in natural resources, such as oil, timber, and minerals, which significantly contribute to its economy.
Global Reputation
Canada is viewed as a country with a positive global presence. It often contributes to international peacekeeping, climate change initiatives, and humanitarian efforts.
Its open and inclusive immigration policies also help shape its global reputation as a welcoming country for newcomers.
An international student can transition into work life, raise a family, and then retire, having access to a safe and nurturing environment throughout.
Canada’s fourth-place ranking in the 2024 U.S. News Best Countries report highlights its strong quality of life, social purpose, and entrepreneurship performance. While the country dropped from second place last year, it remains a global leader in inclusivity, human rights, and environmental stewardship.
Canada’s diverse society and political stability continue to attract immigrants and businesses, reinforcing its global reputation. Its commitment to progressive values and high living standards secures it a place among the world’s top nations.