Here are the steps for Canada Start-Up Business Class – Admissibility and the Final Decision:
- Process for Determining Admissibility
- Process for Approving Canada Start-Up Business’ Application
- Process for Refusing Canada Start-Up Business Application
The Process for Determining Admissibility
The officers would need to determine whether an applicant is a member of the Start-Up Business Class or not. Once the officers have confirmed this, the principal applicant and the applicant’s family members would need to clear their:
- Medical examinations
- Criminal checks and,
- Security checks
Officers might require additional information pertaining to the ways by which they could determine the admissibility of the applicants. For this, they would need to refer to ENF 2 / OP 18 – Evaluating Inadmissibility.
The Immigration Medical Examination (IME)
According to the provisions specified in paragraph A16 (2) (b) of R29, a medical examination could typically include any or all of the following:
- A physical examination
- A mental examination
- A review of past medical history
- Laboratory tests
- Diagnostic tests and,
- A medical assessment of records concerning the applicant
Which Individuals Need to Submit to an Immigration Medical Examination (IME)?
The authorities require the following individuals to submit to an Immigration Medical Examination (IME):
- Permanent resident applicants
- Temporary residents and,
- Refugees
Do the Authorities Provide Any Medical Exemptions? What are the Various Medical Exemptions Provided?
The authorities typically provide the following exemptions:
- Exemptions from undergoing an Immigration Medical Examination (IME) and,
- Exemption from inadmissibility on the grounds of excessive demand
What is the Process for Issuing Medical Instructions?
The authorities have put in place various procedures for issuing medical instructions and upfront medical exams.
Who Has the Authority for Performing an Immigration Medical Examination (IME)?
In many cases, the authorities permit panel physicians to perform an Immigration Medical Examination (IME). In some circumstances, non-panel physicians also have the authority to perform an Immigration Medical Examination (IME) [dispensation].
What is the Process One Needs to Follow for Submitting Medical Information?
People have the ability to submit medical information via the following formats:
- Electronically i.e. eMedical and,
- Paper submissions
Related Links:
Canada Start-Up Business – Provisions of R190
Canada Start-Up Business – Provisions of R71