- The greeter would need to e-mail the interviewer once the applicant arrives for the interview
- The interviewer would need to respond to advise the greeter that the interviewer has received the message and that the interviewer would now be opening the video link on their side
- Upon establishing the identity of the applicant, the greeter would need to visit the videoconference interview room alone and log in to the computer using the generic account for video interviews
- It is worth noting that each office has a generic account provided by its local information technology unit
- Thereafter, the greeter would need to phone or e-mail the interviewer in case there is any delay or problem in establishing the video link
- On establishing the video link, the greeter would need to confirm that the video and the audio quality are acceptable with the interviewer
- Thereafter, the greeter would need to inform the interviewer about the individuals who would be present at the interview e.g. the applicant, the counsel, the interpreter, the spouse etc.
- The greeter would also need to notify the interviewer in case the client has brought any supporting documents
- In this situation, the greeter would need to confirm that the greeter would be faxing the documents to the interviewer’s office
- The greeter would then need to detach the mouse and the keyboard from the computer tower and store them away from the client.
- Ideally, the greeter could store the mouse and the keyboard in a locked cabinet or place them in a secure area
- Thereafter, the greeter would need to escort the applicant, the counsel and the interpreter (if required) into the interview room, once the greeter has set up the room for the videoconference interview
- Situations could arise where the greeter might have to escort the attendees through a secure work area
- In this scenario, the greeter would need to ensure that no sensitive information is publicly visible
- Sensitive information would typically include information about other applicants, non-public Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) messages etc.
- The greeter would need to seat the attendees in such a manner so that the interviewer can see everyone
- Ideally, the torso, arms and the head of all the attendees must be visible to the interviewer
- Prior to leaving the room, the greeter would need to inform the attendees to:
- Switch off all electronic devices
- Place all their belongings out of reach (this typically includes bags, coats etc.)
- Vacate the room upon the conclusion of the interview
- Some offices might require an authorised person to escort the attendees in and out of the building
- In this scenario, the greeter would need to inform the attendees that the greeter would be returning to the interview room once the interview is over
- The greeter would also need to explain emergency procedures in case of an alarm (at either location, if applicable)
- When the official departs the room, the official would need to fax any signed forms to the judge – especially for citizenship videoconference hearings
- In addition, if the applicant provides any supporting documents for the judge, the official would need to scan these and send them to the judge via e-mail
- Once the greeter has left the room, the interviewer would need to inform the attendees that:
- They must not leave their seats without permission
- The only documents that the applicant or the sponsor can retain in their possession are the original supporting documents
- The authorities are not recording the interview and that the attendees would need to express any concerns that they might have about the quality of the audio or the video immediately and,
- In case any of the attendees needs to leave the room during the interview, they would need an escort
- Thereafter, the interviewer would need to conduct the interview in the usual manner
- Ideally, the technology would be more than sufficient to prevent the need for speaking louder than usual
- However, in case there are technological issues, the interviewer would need to call the local office contact person immediately for reconnecting
- Upon the conclusion of the interview, the interviewer would need to:
- E-mail the greeter to inform the greeter that the interview has ended and that the attendees have either left or require assistance leaving the premises
- It is worth noting that in many offices, the applicants have the ability to leave on their own
- However, this does not apply to locations where authorised persons would need to escort the applicants out of the building
- Ideally, the door to the interview room and hallway outside would need to have sufficient signage for enabling the applicants to leave without assistance
- End the video link
- The greeter would then need to return to the room to re-attach the hardware i.e. the mouse and the keyboard and to shut down the computer.
Source: Citizenship and Immigration