This temporary visa is designed to assist the Australian community’s access to a wide range of social and cultural events and activities, without jeopardising the employment of Australians in the entertainment industry.
Who is this visa for?
This visa is for you if you intend to work temporarily in Australia in the entertainment industry. Visa applicants may intend to undertake work in film, television or live productions in either a performance or behind-the scenes role, such as, directors, producers and other production personnel.
What does this visa let me do?
This visa allows an individual or groups to work in Australia in the entertainment industry, for a specified period of time. Your family can accompany you to Australia.
You can lodge your application while you are either in or out of Australia. If you are outside Australia when you apply, you must be outside Australia when the visa is granted. If you are in Australia when you apply, you must be in Australia when the visa is granted
You must be sponsored unless you are entering Australia under a country to country agreement
For all commercial productions, sponsors should consult the relevant entertainment industry union in order for the department to be satisfied that a net employment benefit to the entertainment industry will occur. This consultation should be undertaken before you lodge your application.
The Musicians Union of Australia should be consulted in connection with applications for performing musicians and conductors. The Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance should be consulted in connection with all other applications.
Musicians Union of Australia
Email: muaimports@bigpond.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Telephone: 02 9440 4611
Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Telephone: 07 3846 0044
Film and Television Productions – Arts Certificate from the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA).
If you are a performer in a film or television production you will require a certificate from DEWHA. Your application must be supported by the Arts Minister confirming that relevant Australian content criteria have been met. All enquiries must be directed to the desk officer in DEWHA.
Telephone: 02 6275 9633
Bringing family
The following people may be included in your application:
- your spouse
- your or your spouse’s dependent children
- other dependent relatives.
Family members cannot be granted a visa unless/until the main applicant has been granted their visa.
Unless you are entering Australia under a country to country agreement, your accompanying family member(s) must be listed on the relevant sponsorship form or in a subsequent supplementary sponsorship from the sponsor.
If you are entering Australia under a country to country agreement, you must provide evidence of adequate means of support for accompanying family members.
Visa validity period
The length of this visa varies depending on the duration of your involvement in the entertainment industry in Australia. Visas would only be granted for longer than one year in exceptional circumstances.
Health insurance
Private Health Insurance is available to you and your family and is strongly recommended, but it is not a requirement for the grant of this visa.
Australian quarantine requirements
To avoid delays to your performance, please contact the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service as soon as possible with details of your instruments, costumes and other equipment.