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Alberta PNP Draw: Province Targets Healthcare Workers With 89 Canada Immigration Invitations
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Refugees On Outskirts Of Toronto To Get More Shelter Spaces With $7m Investment
Canada is spending another $7 million to help refugees with a new reception centre for more streamlined services and support as well as additional shelter

Study Reveals The Top 10 Most Diverse Cities In Canada As Immigration Alters Demographics
Kitchener tops the list of the Top 10 Most Diverse Cities in Canada as reported in a study by Preply, a United States-based, e-learning company

Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa And Calgary Ranked Among 100 Best Cities In The World
Toronto, the biggest city in Canada, rose in the rankings of the top cities in the world this year, inching up a notch to the

A First-Time Renter’s Guide to Toronto: Tips and Tricks
Sponsored Content Renting an apartment in Toronto as a new immigrant can be overwhelming, but with the proper knowledge and helpful tips, you can find

Three Canadian Universities Ranked in Top 50 Worldwide
Three Canadian universities once again made the top 50 of the QS World University Rankings 2024: Top Global Universities, hanging onto their coveted ranks, and another 16

Five Canadian Cities Among 100 Best In World, Led By Toronto
Toronto, the biggest city in Canada, has been ranked as one of the top 25 best cities in the world due to its abundance of

Canada Has 3 Of The Most Livable Cities In The World
Three Canadian cities – Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto – are among the top 10 most liveable cities in the world, says The Economist Intelligence Unit

Toronto, Vancouver, and Edmonton Top Canadian Cities Where Immigrants Remain After Arriving
Three big Canadian cities – Toronto, Vancouver, and Edmonton – rule the roost as the top places where immigrants like to stay put after they’ve

Canada’s 10 Best Cities to Find a Job Despite COVID-19 Second Wave
Foreign nationals looking for work in Canada should keep an eye out on the mid-sized British Columbia city of Kelowna which is now ranked the