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How to Apply For Canada’s Start-Up Visa From Hong Kong
Entrepreneurs from Hong Kong are using the Start-Up Visa (SUV) program to gain their permanent residency here in record numbers since Canada opened its arms

Canada Extends Hong Kong Open Work Program By Two Years
Immigration Minister Sean Fraser extended the application deadline by two years on Monday for the open work permit program for Hong Kongers and also announced

Open Work Permits And Immigration To Canada From Hong Kong Soaring
Hong Kongers are immigrating to Canada in numbers unseen since China took over the former British protectorate in 1997, with almost 12,500 open work permits

Hong Kong Immigrating To Canada In Record Numbers
Hong Kongers are immigrating to Canada in record numbers due to Ottawa’s open arms for residents of the former British protectorate who suffered from China’s

Canada Could Boost Immigration From Hong Kong Over China National Security Law
Canada could take steps to boost immigration from Hong Kong following the adoption of Chinese national security legislation in the former British colony. Prime Minister
Miles de inmigrantes dejan Vancouver para regresar a Hong Kong
El reciente anuncio de Hong Kong de visas de trabajo especiales de un año para los hijos nacidos en el extranjero de residentes permanentes podría