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Quebec Announces Plan to Remove Start-Up and Security Deposits for Entrepreneur Program
Quebec has announced a plan to remove the start-up and security deposit requirement under stream 2 of the Quebec Entrepreneur Program for candidates with applications

Required Work Experience To Increase Under New Quebec Experience Program Changes
Quebec will increase work experience requirements under the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) and introduce two new pilots targeting specific occupations in changes announced on Thursday,

Quebec Immigrant Investor Program: Application Window Delayed Until April 2021
Quebec’s provincial government has moved to delay the opening of the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program until April 1, 2021. The decision was announced in the

Quebec Announces Plan To Improve Access To MIDI Services For Businesses
Aug 29, 2019 – Quebec has announced it will open 40 new immigration ministry (MIDI) service points across the province to improve access for businesses

Quebec destina 55 millones $ para ayudar a las empresas a contratar trabajadores temporales mientras recorta la inmigración de trabajadores calificados
27 de agosto del 2019 – Quebec ha anunciado nuevos fondos para apoyar a las empresas que buscan contratar trabajadores extranjeros temporales, con la provincia

Quebec comenzará a emitir invitaciones bajo el nuevo sistema de inmigración de Expresión de Interés
19 de junio del 2019 – Las invitaciones a través del sistema de Expresión de Interés de Quebec comenzarán a emitirse en las próximas semanas,

La contratación de trabajadores calificados es una preocupación importante para la mitad de las empresas de Quebec
2 de mayo del 2019 – Una encuesta de 300 empresas de Quebec reveló que casi la mitad de los encuestados considera que la contratación

Selection rules for Quebec business immigrants – Part II
November 9, 2018 – This editorial written by Attorney Colin Singer, appears in the Lawyer’s Daily. On April 6, 2016, Quebec’s government tabled new legislation:

Selection rules for Quebec business immigrants – Part I
November 9, 2018 – This editorial written by Attorney Colin Singer, appears in the Lawyer’s Daily. Since the coming into effect of the Cullen Couture Agreement